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Tresa Johnson


My Story

Hi! I am Tresa Johnson and I am a SuperStar Consultant with Scentsy. I joined Scentsy in November, 2012. To be brutally honest, I needed an at home business for tax purposes. I had been a long time customer (3 years) and my husband said "you might as well sell that Scentsy stuff you buy"! The consultant I had bought from for 3 years never asked me to join, however, my daughter's friend's mom had asked me several times! So......I signed under a lady that I had never even bought a bulb from because she asked! I made it clear, I wasn't a sales person and "don't push me", she didn’t. At this point in my life, me-wife, mom of 4, gma of 2, paralegal, working woman, etc. felt alone. I needed something that was, well, "me". My parents had passed away, my oldest kids were out of the house, one of my sons had left for the Marines and the only child still at home was growing up and didn't need me as much. I was lost. This sponsor/now friend was also close to my daughter. They decided I needed some "girl time" and my hubby agreed. In July, 2013 I went to SFR (Scentsy Family Reunion) in Indianapolis. I left my home, my hubby and my daughter, something I had never done, and traveled with my sponsor and 2 ladies I had never met to Indy! This was just supposed to be a get away. It ended up changing my life. Kelly Clarkson was the entertainer and I felt like she was singing to me alone! Very empowering, woman to woman-be strong, This concert was more of a motivational speech to me. The next day Scentsy introduced the cause warmer for the upcoming season-Service and Sacrifice. That moment I felt my mom whisper to me from Heaven, "Tresa, this is where you need to be". I was listening! I came home a whole new, happier me. Told my husband and daughter that I wanted to actually build my Scentsy business and they supported me in that decision. My sister-in-law took a leap of faith in me a few months later and became my 1st recruit. I slowly began working on building team members and reaching sales goals I began setting for myself. Guess what? It began, the change in me, my family, my finances was real! I have now been with Scentsy 5+ years and have earned Incentive Trips, traveled to many places I never dreamed of! Plus, the owners know me by name! What? You're kidding, right? We make the Scentsy Family Reunions actual family vacations. My daughter sang with Train on stage in St. Louis! we were in Vegas together as a family as well as Disney World and Nashville. January 2016 we were cruising with Scentsy Leaders and then that February my hubby and I went on a 20th anniversary cruise with friends, all this because of Scentsy and the feeling this company renewed, instored in me. Join my Team, Southern Dreammakers, let's train, travel and grow together! Let's spread our wings and make this journey with Scentsy the true butterfly effect of changing lives! Here's to the future Journey of life and I hope I can share with you!       

What's warming in my home